Here’s What The Practice Lab Is All About

Hello there!  Welcome to The Practice Lab.  Let me tell you why this site exists.

If you’ve ever wondered:

  • How can I spend less time on the BUSINESS side of my practice?
  • How can I make my practice as SIMPLE as possible?
  • Why is it so complicated to handle the core pieces of my practice (like take notes, get someone scheduled, or bill a client)?
  • Why do I pay so much for my practice software, and use so little of it?
  • What are the steps I need to take to setup a NEW practice?

You’re not alone.

My name is Chandler Collins, and when I started my practice, one thing became crystal clear:

Chandler Collins

If you want a simple, referral-based, cash practice, the vast majority of practice building advice and management “solutions” out there were NOT built for you. 

So what do you do?

The truth is, we as healthcare practitioners of any kind who want successful, low-stress practices have a lot in common with each other.

We want a practice that runs on autopilot.

We want to know how to spend as little effort as possible on the mechanics of our practices, enjoy more time with our patients, and reap the financial rewards of honest, hard work.

Sounds simple, right?  The problem is, the deck is not stacked in our favor.

Before I ever became a healthcare practitioner, I worked for 10 years as a computer and network administrator, setting up and maintaining complex technological environments for international software firms in Europe and Asia, as well as Fortune 500 companies in the U.S.

When I got out of school and saw the systems that were available to me to run and organize my practice, I was appalled.

They all cost too much, were either outdated or too complicated, and offered a lot of bells and whistles that I knew I’d never use.

On top of that, all of the practice building advice was centered on heavy advertising and wrangling with insurance companies.  That wasn’t me.

I wanted a referral-based practice centered around a simple idea: do good work, and have patients come and see me because of it.

So I dug in and learned.

Consulting and workshopping with masters of highly profitable, fulfilling practices in physical therapy, chiropractic, mental health, and acupuncture, I learned that my colleagues and I were far more alike than we were different.

And after thousands of hours of research, more time talking to support personnel than I care to remember, and working through plenty of frustration, I finally sorted it all out.

Now, you get to reap the rewards of all my work.

Instead of wondering what system to use, paying hundreds (sometimes thousands!) for practice setup advice, or getting in bed with a questionable long-term practice management contract, subscribe to The Practice Lab.  It’s completely free.



You’ll get TESTED tactics and strategies to build a low-overhead, referral-based practice that works on autopilot.  You’ll get step-by-step instructions to handle the most complicated aspects of your business, and a trusted perspective from someone who can make sense of the chaos of options that are available.

And why should you do this?  That’s an easy one: so you can stop worrying.

The devil is always in the details.  You now have someone who’ll figure that out for you.  Someone who works the way you do.  Who wants to keep things simple.  Who wants to find the simplest, most efficient, most enjoyable, most PROFITABLE way for you to run your practice, today.